Practical Homeschooling for Hard Times

We publish Christ-centered science curriculum that improves your family’s resiliency, teaches lifelong skills, and won’t waste your time.

Read on to find out why
(and receive a free gift!)

Do you ever worry about the world that our kids are growing up in?

Things have changed since we were kids. The culture has gotten harsher. People have become more rude. The evil is more in-your-face. (It was probably always there, but at least it had the decency to hide!)

We suffer from a lack of leadership. Few of those we would normally look to are willing to take a stand. Corruption and malfeasance infest the halls of power: Congress, the legislatures, the courts, the counties, even the school boards.

Losing the schools was an especially hard blow. With rising inflation and stiff economic headwinds, you worry about making ends meet for your family, but you worry more about how to give your kids the education they need to thrive.

Maybe you went through the public schools yourself, like we did. Maybe it wasn’t the best education possible—you remember your parents worrying, too—but you had some good teachers, and you managed to learn something.

Now there are still plenty of good teachers, but the system has grown sick. It seems to damage as many kids as it educates, despite the best intentions of the teachers. The last generation complained about the lack of prayer in the schools, but now you’re worried about something much darker there.

And you get the feeling that even harder times will come.

Despite all this, you don’t want to give in to fear.

You believe in God, and in his son, Jesus Christ, and you believe “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” You want your children to have this same certainty.

You want your children to grow up to be like the man of Psalm 1, who is “like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.”

For these and other reasons, you’ve made the decision to homeschool.

Maybe you’ve been homeschooling for years now, or maybe you just pulled your kids out last week. Either way, you’re committed.